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Map of the Castles
Historical itineraries
Exhibition about the castles.
Castles in Lazio.
History and legend.
A detailed exhibition illustrates the history, architecture and reasons for which the two hundred or so castles, which are still visible in the region were built. This heritage represents the cradle of feudal castle building. An exhibition which consists of a number of sections regarding the following topics: territorial history, architectural history, social history, environmental history. The visitor will, among other things, have the opportunitity to learn thorugh an exciting series of exhibitions how the defenses of the castles evolved, as well as learning about the social life in a mediaeval fief. Particular attention has been paid to the changes which have taken place in the local area, comparing, for example, the present situation with pictures painted just 100 years ago.

Exhibition about the Castles in Lazio.

Castle of Santa Severa
Musem opening time:
all days:
morning from
10.00- 11.00-12.00
afternoon from 15.00 - 16.00
Saturdays and Sundays last
visit: 17.00


The five sections of the exhibition.
The first section regards the castle as a defensive bulwark. As such, it includes reproduced suits of armour, defensive devices used by soldiers when the castle was under siege, and an examination of how an attack upon the castle would have been carried out.
The second section addresses the historical and architectural development of the castle as well as its influence upon the local area given the social and political events of times gone by.
The third section is both exciting and enthralling. It is of particular interest to children, as it regards the life of those who lived inside the castle.
The fourth section is deliberately provocative. It consists in the comparison of images of the surrounding area of ten mediaeval castles from three different viewpoints: how they were in 1800, how they are today and how they could be.
The fifth section has been designed to provide a more interactive experience by allowing the visitor to visit the internet website dedicated to the local castle. Thus doing it is hoped that children will be led to reflect upon what they have seen and what else they would like to see.

Lancia Manor houses:
(from the latin manere, dimorare).
In mediaeval society it represented the abitation of a small fiefdom..
Lancia Fortification:
a construction designed as a mean of military defense.
Manieri del Lazio s.r.l. - Via Tribuna Tor de Specchi, 18/A - 00186 Roma (Italy) tel. +39 - e-mail: info@manieri.it
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