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Castle of Nerola
The Castle of Nerola was probably constructed between the X and XI centuries, when the phenomenon of castle building began modifying the landscape of both Lazio and the whole of Italy. Little information exists regarding the first few centuries of the castle's history, but we do know that in 1235 it became a fief of the Orsini' family.The Orsinis strengthened the castles defenses, by putting up four towers and building a protective wall around the underlying village.
When, in 1765, Flavio Orsini married Annamaria of Tremoville, the newly weds stayer for a short time at Nerola. Legend has it that when they set off for Paris the bride took an extract of local bitter orange juice with her from which she made a perfume, the 'Neroĺ', which is to this day still produced in France.Following the death of Flavio Orsini and his wife, the castle, together with a number of other feifs, was inherited by their relatives the Lante family di Montefeltro della Rovere. From the Nerola family the castle passed into the hands of the Barberini and thence, in 1728, the Colonna Sciarra family, by means of the weddings between Cornelia Barberini and Giulio Cesare Colonna. In 1867 one of Garibaldi's units forced its way into the castle so as to protect itself from the papal troops. Nerola subsequently became a possession of the Marquis Ferrari Frey. Recently the CA.DI. has become responsible for the castles upkeep and has taken care of the castle's restoration.
Hall Hall

Castello Orsini di Nerola
Via Aldo Bigelli - 00017 NEROLA (RM)
Tel & Fax: 0774.68.32.72
Director : Dott.ssa Fernanda Garofalo
Responsable for services: Renata Ponzani

Tours to be booked in advance:
Saturday 4 pm
Sunday 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Official Site about the Castle Official Site about the Castle
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